How to Build a Successful Online Business With Russell Brunson of Clickfunnels

There has never been a time when online business is more needed, and more lucrative, with a brighter future than now. With tools like Clickfunnels and Infusionsoft, it’s easier than ever to run part, or all, of your business online. 

Now that so much of our society has figured out how to work from home, and how to live from home, we will continue to have elements of that moving forward, even after everything opens again.

Once the pendulum swings this far in either direction, it never goes all the way back to where it started.

It just doesn’t.

So this new virtual way of life is here to stay. At least to some extent.  

Whether you see yourself working entirely online for yourself, or you will be working for someone else, learning how the online world works, getting comfortable with the lingo, and being familiar with the conversations that happen in that world are essential to your success in what will ultimately become the “new normal.”

According to Salesforce, a full 68% of companies have not identified or attempted to measure a sales funnel, and the same survey showed that a whopping 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales.

Clickfunnels Founder Reveals All

One of the best books for that, in my opinion, is called DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson. 

While yes, it is a book that is appropriate for beginners, it is also a book that is appropriate for people who have been in business for years.

In fact, it is on my annual reading list because, no matter where I am in business, I always learn something new or take away a nuance I hadn’t noticed before that will change my business for the better.

Every year.

So let’s get into this, shall we?

“Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins.”

What I Like About Dotcom Secrets

This book is written as if Russell is sitting across the table from you at lunch. (See how I’m calling him by his first name? That’s because I feel like I know him personally. lol)

It’s friendly, easy to consume, and speaks directly to me. I understood every word in the book and every concept landed cleanly. 

It is also, frankly, inspirational.  He has a way of making you feel as if you can do anything you want to. And I get the feeling he really cares if you do!

Dotcom Secrets also goes through the specific steps you will need to take in order to take your business from wherever it is and get it to where you want to be. He provides the building blocks you will need at each step of the way and explains the how and the why for each of them.

I don’t know about you, but it really helps me to remember what I am reading and doing if I understand the why behind it.  I like learning about human nature, and how people think the way they do.  

And Russell does a great job at breaking that down.

He includes email templates, case studies, building blocks and so much more. The one feeling I didn’t leave with is one of needing more info.

Of course, there is some information I would like that isn’t included. But that’s because it’s not supposed to be included. Not in this book. 🙂

“The problem is you can’t spend enough to acquire a customer, and the way to fix that problem is to fix your sales funnel”

What I Don’t Love About Dotcom Secrets

There isn’t much, honestly.  

With these book reviews, I take my responsibility very seriously to deliver honest and fair reviews, giving you the information you need to make a decision about where to spend your time and money.

Like me, I am sure you are very careful about where you spend your money, and how you allocate your time.

There just isn’t a lot of extra of either of those right now.

So I read not only to get the knowledge and information that I can, but also with a critical eye to give you the full picture so you can decide if you want to read it.

And there just isn’t that much in here I don’t like.

There are, however, a couple of things.

There are some links to additional resources in this book. Various templates and resources that will supplement the reading.  

I found a number of the links were broken or outdated.

HOWEVER, I did just see a new edition came out so that may be resolved in that edition.

Additionally, when I bought my first copy (yes, I have more than one. Several more than one) I also bought some digital bonuses, so I found the info there. But if I had only purchased through Amazon I would not have gotten those.

I also found I was disappointed when I finished the book. Russell Brunson shares such great, actionable information that I was sad to see it come to an end.

It does make me feel better knowing he has two additional books that go deeper into specific aspects of this book, but I was still a bit disappointed.

Where To Get Your Copy

There are a couple of places you can get a copy of this book.

First, and my recommendation, is to get it through Russell’s funnel. I like this option best for 2 specific reasons.

First, you have the opportunity to upgrade to some additional bonuses and free trials that you may not otherwise get to try.

Second, you will get to see one of Russell’s funnels. And rule #1 of funnel hacking is to go through other people’s funnels. 

It’s not about the money you make. It’s about the impact you make.


If you decide to do this I strongly recommend you screenshot each of the funnel pages you see so you can study them later. They are a great way to add learning to the reading you will be doing, and you can see his recommendations in action.

The second place you can buy his book is on Amazon and other booksellers. It is available in both print and ebook format. 

Now, I have it in both formats. Russell Brunson is one of my pass authors.

What does that mean? 

It means I am allowed to buy any of his books I want, in print.

This may not sound special to you, but I have a lot of books. Like, a lot of books. And my family has asked me very nicely, well, not quite so nicely, not to buy any more books. They are heavy, take up room, blah, blah, blah. 😉

But I have a few that I can get whenever I want because they are valuable enough that everyone wants them in this house.

And Russell Brunson is one of those. 

Either way, this book is on my list of recommended books for everyone from beginner to advanced. It covers everything from buyer psychology to mechanics of funnels and technology.

Reading this book will undoubtedly advance your understanding of running a business online, and will leave you better than you were before you read it!

*Affiliate Disclosure – The link above is an affiliate link, and while I will get a small commission for any purchases made through this link, all recommendations in this article and on my site are true, honest, and based on my personal experience.

Picture of Tracy Hoobyar

Tracy Hoobyar

With a dynamic career spanning over 15 years, Tracy has been at the forefront of digital marketing, sales, and coaching. As the founder of System Chicks, she's deeply committed to empowering Carepreneurs and the neurodivergent community. Tracy's unique blend of professional expertise and personal experiences, including balancing a thriving online business while caring for her aging parents, gives her a profound understanding of the challenges and rewards of juggling family responsibilities with business aspirations. When she's not strategizing the next big digital move, you might find her reminiscing over classic 90s TV shows or enjoying quality time with her family.
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